Dan berikut ini daftar cheat untuk mempermudah permainan yang dapat Anda gunakan, namun hanya dalam mode offline.
Hasil Cheat | Cheat |
Membuat peta terang | iseedeadpeople |
Play after dying in campaign mode | strengthandhonor |
Units need no farms | pointbreak |
Menonaktifkan Kemenangan | itvexesme |
Invulnerability and 1 shot kills | whosyourdaddy |
Research dengan cepat | whoisjohngalt |
Instant doom (azab) | iocainepowder |
Menambahkan Kayu | leafittome (angka) |
Menambahkan Emas | keysersoze (angka) |
Menambahkan Kayu dan Emas | greedisgood (angka) |
Level select (melompat ke level lain) | motherland (race) (level number) |
Merubah waktu ke malam | lightsout |
Merubah waktu ke pagi | riseandshine |
Infinite mana | thereisnospoon |
Research all upgrades | sharpandshiny |
Instant Loss (kalah) | somebodysetusupthebomb |
Instant Win (menang) | allyourbasearebelongtous |
Turn off Tech-Tree | synergy |
Instant spell performance | thedudeabides |
Enable research | WhoIsJohnGalt |
Mempercepat construction dari buildings dan units | WarpTen |
Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off) | DaylightSavings (Insert Hour) |
Play lagu the "Power of the Horde" | TenthLevelTaurenChieftain |
Re-enters cheat terakhir yang diketik | = |
sets the frames per second into the set number | "maxfps(x)" where x is number |
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